What is Freelance blogging?


Tina Dubinsky

Freelance blogging is the practice of writing blog articles for clients. A freelance blogger can charge per article, per hour or receive an income based on the advertising attached to the article.

Often, a freelance blogger works with a creative agency to produce blogs for multiple clients. They may also form direct relationships with marketing departments or write for publications like Maven.

You can earn a decent income as a freelance blogger. Your experience, the client relationships you develop, and how well (and fast) you write significantly impact the reputation you build.

When freelance blogging, you should consider:

  • Your niche: the topics and experience your best suited to writing.
  • Whether blogging will be one product your provide or if you’ll branch into others like social media.
  • How you market and position yourself.
  • Whether you’re willing to give up time, non-chargeable time to run your own business in the pursuit of a long-term client committtment.
How much freelance bloggers make depends on your skillset and what you're willing to accept.
What you can earn as a freelance blogger.

How much do freelance bloggers make?

As a freelance blogger, your income depends on your experience, how you market your skills and position yourself within the sector.

Australian freelance bloggers can earn around fifty dollars for a short blog (500 words or less) and into the thousands for a longer, journalistic style article.

Indeed.com suggests a freelance writer earns $44.75 on average. However, there were only two respondents to their survey when writing this article, so it isn’t an accurate picture.

You’re better off looking at job boards for freelance bloggers to discover going rates. Advertisements that post low rates will attract less experienced writers. However, if you have the experience, don’t undersell yourself.

Review of a freelance blogging job advertisement

Let’s take a closer look at this job advertisement:

Freelance blogger advertisement review

For a blogger with a music background, this looks like an ideal blogging opportunity. That is until you look at how much they’re willing to pay for each blog.

While $60 US a blog might seem ideal for a USA blogger, it’s at the low end of the scale in Australia. And that’s still after you convert from US to AUD dollars. And we haven’t yet looked at how many words they want for that payment.

So, let’s look more closely at the details:

Research and write 4 articles each month (ranging from 1500 to 2000 words each)

OneFlo Entertainment, LC on Problogger

Most professional bloggers would feel disenchanted by this detail. However, if a business offers $60 US for a 2000 word blog, you’ll be lucky to get a freelance blogger with the skill set to produce a quality blog article.

If it was a 500-word blog for $60 US, it might suit a new freelance blogger seeking experience.

Quality blog content will continue to attract new customers and readers for years. They’re a long-term investment, and your clients should reward freelance bloggers with this in mind.

Person frustrated with the pay for freelance blogging jobs.
Frustrated freelance bloggers: Not being paid what they’re worth.

Low paying freelance blogging jobs attract inexperienced writers

On the other end of the opportunity, clients who want to pay as little as possible will attract inexperienced writers. As such, to ensure the blog meets quality standards, the client will also need to:

  • Have a more experienced writer check it for spelling, grammar, formatting (writing for the web), accuracy of information and style.
  • Add or check the search engine optimisation.
  • Look at rehiring when the freelance blogger realises they’re earning way-less than $10 an hour after they add up the time spent researching and writing.

Freelance blogging jobs like the one above aren’t unusual. If you’re seeking entry-level freelance blogging work, then you will find them advertised on places like:

  • Problogger
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Textbroker
  • Fiverr

And these websites are an excellent way to get your foot in the door to gain experience as a new freelance blogger. However, Problogger and other job boards also advertise work at premium rates for experienced, niche bloggers.

Start your freelance blogging career by working from home.

How to start your freelance blogging career

Below are some standard steps on starting up a freelance blogging business:

  1. Set up a standard home office from where you can work. Some freelance bloggers prefer to tavel and write blogs at the same time. However, you need to have a suitable working area and a way to contact your clients.
  2. Learn how to blog and write for the web. Complete a course on blog writing. Learn the basics about blogging and become a certified blogger.
  3. Gain experience in using different writing applications. Many clients will prefer you to submit your completed article in a document format. So, while it’s handy to know how to use multiple blogging platforms, it’s not always necessary. I’d suggest learning how to:
    • Write in MS Word and Google Docs as a minimum.
    • Write directly into WordPress and other blogging platforms.
    • Use HTML.
  4. Get a good grounding in writing for search engine optimisation. Some years ago, writers would create an article and then a SEO specialist might edit it. Writers who can do both are significantly more hireable.
  5. Gain experience as a freelance blogger (refer to How Do Freelancers Find Jobs below):
    • Set up your own website to market your writing ability and write a few blogs as examples of your blogging expertise.
    • Apply for those entry level jobs, but keep in mind that once you have the experience you can seek out higher paying blogging contracts.
    • Use blog writing templates to speed up your writing process.
    • Expand your skills to include optimising images.
    • Keep a portfolio.
    • Ask your clients for testimonials.
  6. Join a few blogging communities where you can network and discuss blogging topics including rates with other professional bloggers.
My Australian freelance blogging studio.
A room with a view: My freelance blogging studio in Australia.

Freelance blogging is more than just a hobby in Australia

When deciding to become a freelance blogger, you’re doing more than just writing. You’re starting a business venture. So here’s a few other things that can help you become a professional freelance blogger:

  1. Register a business name.
  2. Get insurance.
  3. Set up a place to work, either at home or hire an office space.
  4. Start logging your time both paid and unpaid for running your business as a freelance blogger.
  5. Advertise your services. Having your own freelance writing website is just the start. Advertise your services on social media but also let your local community know about your blogging services.
  6. Approach local businesses and creative agencies that hire freelance bloggers.
  7. Open a business PayPal account and a business bank account.
Freelance bloggers sitting around a table with coffee and laptops finding jobs by networking.
Freelancers bloggers find jobs by networking.

How do freelance bloggers find jobs?

There are several different ways freelance bloggers find jobs:

  1. Network with other bloggers. You can help them out when they get too much work. Plus freelance bloggers often refer each other to creative agencies who are looking for writers in specialty niches.
  1. Sign up with an article writing agency. Most article writing agencies will ask for a sample of your writing to match your style with their clients. They may also take a commission or allocate a set fee.
  1. Approach local businesses directly. Use your business accumen to create your own marketing material. Be ready and able to sell your skills and experience as a blogger.
  1. Creative agencies provide other services to their clients such as a whole digital package including website creation, blogs and social media marketing. You can and should approach creative agencies directly for work.
  1. Word of mouth is a resourceful way for a blogger to find new freelance blogging opportunities. Use those networks and ask your satisfied and repeat clients for referrals.
  1. Have a strong online prescence to assist in generating leads:
    • Add a webform to your website.
    • Create a Google Business page, a Facebook page and business page on LinkedIn.
    • Use social media to your advantage to attract interest.
    • Create a business blog on your webiste.
Writing for content farms is another way a freelance writer can earn money.

Writing for content farms and unique publishing platforms

Another avenue for freelance bloggers to earn an income is from content farms and unique publishing platforms, like Hubpages. It may not sound like fun, but consistent posting and patience can create a regular revenue stream.

In some cases, you retain the copyright for the article. However, rather than being paid outright for the content, you earn money from the advertising on the page. Some of it goes to the publisher, some to you.

The amount you earn will increase so long as the content remains evergreen. You can make a decent income from some publishing platforms, especially if you find your niche and produce quality content.

Always know what you’re signing up for by reading the terms and conditions.

Monetise your writing as a freelance blogger.

Start your own blog as a freelance blogger

You can also monetise your own blog as a freelance blogger. Perhaps you have a passion or a hobby that you would like to write about.

WordPress now offers a method of monetisation, or you can do it yourself directly with Google.

When deciding to do freelance blogging, you need the willpower to stay at it and be productive. Freelance blogging suits self-motivated people willing to put in the hours to look for work and learn from rejection.

Many self-hosted blogs created for monetisation slowly go by the wayside. Income is usually slow to build, and it depends on how much you produce and how you market your blog.

Sometimes, it’s easier to look for employment than to work for yourself. There are numerous non-billable hours. Meanwhile, you need to pay for a decent web host, design your blog, write the articles and market your blog.

Some freelance bloggers enter into commercial sponsorships to keep their niche blog active, reaping the benefits from advertising programs.

Working in the 1990s as an executive assistant gave me the skills to build a business as a Freelance Blogger.
Working in the 1990s, and now for hire as a freelance blogger.

Are you ready to hire a freelance blogger?

Writing an influential blog article takes skill, effort and knowledge. I mostly write blogs for creative agencies and work directly with marketing departments on niche topics like child care, education, music, art and food.

My freelance blogging experience includes hundreds of evergreen blogs, hot industry topics, unique articles with interview material aimed at attracting clients, employees, improving brand and search engine placement.

A successful freelance blogger is not just another contractor or accounts payable hire but someone who learns about your business and becomes an essential part of your team.

Hire me today.

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